Book Review (Part 3): Beginner's Pluck

Beginner's Pluck Liz Forkin Bohannon

In a recent newsletter, I gave an overview of a book I recommend to those on the journey to become more gritty – Beginner’s Pluck: Build Your Life of Purpose and Impact Now, by Liz Forkin Bohannon. If you missed my review, I suggest going back to that overview before reading further. Part 2 is here. In this third part of my review, I’ll share some nuggets from a half-hour interview with Todd Henry on the Accidental Creative Podcast.
Liz and Todd discuss the meaning of pluck – spirited and determined courage – and her definition of beginner's pluck – a mindset that trumps experience, know-how, and connections through nerve, curiosity, spirit, and the humility to acknowledge we don't have it all figured out. She goes on to explain the virtues of channeling your inner beginner. I especially appreciate her transparency and humility in sharing her many failures on her journey to build an amazing organization.

Liz gives an engaging summary of her first cornerstone principle of owning your average. She also expounds on the counter-intuitive idea of dreaming small. And she explains something not in the book – that the sequence of her 14 principles build on one another over the life-cycle of a venture.

If you have a half-hour to invest in your grittiness, I encourage you to listen to the entire podcast and you will be both inspired and enlightened.
There is more I’d like to share with you from Liz’s book, so in our next newsletter, look for Part 4.