I've shared with some of you my desire to create a community to make our local business leaders "grittier." This led me to found the Indy Grit Community. If I haven't spoken to you personally, here is the short story.
After many years of leading businesses and coaching business leaders, I know that for success in business and in life, there is no silver bullet or magic 5-step process or expensive online course that will get you there. Instead, it takes what we call grit: an abundance of passion and persistence. It's laborious, tedious, sometimes boring, and it's certainly not what you see in glossy magazines and on spiffy websites. However, we'll never be tomorrow what we are not becoming today.
And so the question I ask you to consider is: "Am I doing anything today to have that tomorrow?"
At IndyGrit.Community we believe that when we come together and show off our strengths and showcase success, we breed competition. But when we come together and share our vulnerability and learn from our failures, we create community. And that is who we are.
First and foremost, we are a community. A community for honest conversations. A generous community. A community where no one is as wise as the pooled wisdom of the entire IndyGrit.Community.
I hope you will join us as this community continues its journey forward!
Harry Howe