Grit: The Superpower of Entrepreneurs

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I'm pleased to announce our next IndyGrit.Community event will be hosted by Launch Fishers on Wednesday, January 15 from 10:00 to 11:30 am in their theater. Our theme is Grit: The Superpower of Entrepreneurs.

Our event will consist of a panel discussion with three local entrepreneurs and a practical exercise to strengthen your own grit. Plus, there will be an opportunity to meet others who share an interest in becoming grittier. In future newsletters, I'll tell you more about each of our panelists to whet your interest in their personal story of grit.

If you are new to this concept of grit and wonder why I characterize it as a superpower - here is why. Grit has been shown to be a better predictor of success than talent in every domain in which it has been studied, including the classroom, West Point, and professional sports teams. It's a key differentiator in those who make their mark in life versus those who abandon their dreams and just drift. I define grit as the convergence of passion and perseverance around a long-term, meaningful goal. The good news is that grit is not something in your DNA that you are born with; but rather, more like a muscle that can be developed. IndyGrit.Community exists for all who aspire to become grittier.